Turkey in Horizon 2020 Phase II Project - SME Instrument Project Writing Training Event 1


Jointly funded by TÜBİTAK and the European Commission, the ‘Turkey in Horizon 2020 Phase II’ project offers a wide range of training support for small and medium businesses and the supporting infrastructure in Turkey. The project includes partnering and networking events, a wide range of training courses and assistance with developing proposals and presentations. Further information can be found at www.turkeyinh2020.eu

As part of this programme, we are pleased to announce a series of Horizon 2020 SME Instrument (SMEI) Project Writing Training Events. The first of these events is aimed at individuals and organisations which assist SMEs in the preparation and submission of proposals under the Horizon 2020 SMEI. The event will focus on interpreting SMEI needs, sharing the experience of international experts and development workshops with other delegates.

We would like to invite you to attend the event, which will be held at the Limak Ambassadore Hotel, Ankara on 15th April 2019, commencing with registration at 09.00 and ending at 17.00.

The event is provided free of charge and assistance may be available to those travelling from outside Ankara. Places are limited. To participate this event, please register early using the link https://goo.gl/o8B4NC . The deadline forregistration is on 5th of April 2019 at 17:00.


*If you require assistance with the cost of travel and overnight accommodation, please refer to our information note for participants (Travel and Accommodation Expenses) at https://bit.ly/2FzVLXX  

*Because any submissions to the EC must be made in English, the event will also be staged in English, although Turkish speakers will be available.

* For any question, please contact via e-mail to ncpsme@tubitak.gov.tr


We look forward to your participation.

Kind Regards,


TÜBİTAK Horizon 2020 National Coordination Office 

SME Instrument Team

1.04.2019 |  Teknoloji Transfer Ofisi Müdürlüğü

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