Find out how to fund your research with partners from the EU: Attend Horizon 2020 EIC Roadshow in Istanbul on 4th of July 2019

The European Union (EU) and TUBITAK invite you to attend a free half-day seminar to learn more about the Enhanced European Innovation Council (EIC) pilot programme and Horizon 2020, the EU’s largest research and innovation program ever with nearly € 80 billion in funding available over 7 years.

Key sessions are:

  • Enhanced EIC Pilot Programme Panel
    • Implementation of EIC Pilot in Turkey
    • Opportunities for SMEs
    • Success Stories
    • Practical tips from a Jury Member


  • New EIC Schemes: Pathfinder: Proposal preparation and submissioHorizon 2020
  • New EIC Schemes: Accelerator (SME Phase II) Proposal preparation and submission

Participation is free of charge!

When? 4th July 2019
Where? Istanbul Chamber of Industry, Meşrutiyet Caddesi No:63 Beyoğlu/İstanbul


Click here to view the detailed agenda and register >>

The confirmation mail for registration will be sent.

We are looking forward to welcoming you in Istanbul.

TUBITAK Horizon 2020 National Coordination Office

26.06.2019 |  Teknoloji Transfer Ofisi Müdürlüğü

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