Avrupa Komisyonu tarafından Küme 5 Enerji Çağrılarına İlişkin Yapılan Açıklamalar

Avrupa Komisyonu'na enerji alanındaki çağrı başlıkları kapsamında iletilen sorulara ilişkin son dönemde verilen yanıtlar aşağıda bilgilerinize sunulmaktadır.

Çağrılara ilişkin sorularınız olması durumunda bizimle ncpenergy@tubitak.gov.tr adresinden irtibata geçebilirsiniz. 

HORIZON-CL5-2024-D4-02-04 Design for adaptability, re-use and deconstruction of buildings, in line with the principles of circular economy (Built4People Partnership)

Question Could you expand on the line: "Address all components of buildings, including structural elements, envelopes, interior fixtures and fittings, and technical building systems" and validation needed?

  • ReplyProposals are expected to deliver construction and renovation solutions that facilitate the deconstruction and reuse of buildings. These solutions should be ‘based on the integration of innovative tools, products, techniques, processes and methods’. The topic then sets a number of additional requirements, among which are, that:
  • The proposed solutions are validated in a relevant environment (real-life or close to real-life) and to reach TRL 5-6 by the end of the project. 
  • The proposed solutions address all components of buildings (including structural elements, envelopes, interior fixtures and fittings, and technical building systems). The part relating to ‘all components’ is not optional; proposers must demonstrate that their solutions cover all building components.

Question The scope requires to “Covers at least two different countries, with diverse climatic conditions”. How do we ensure that this condition is fulfilled and that it makes the proposal eligible?

  • Reply: It is up to the applicants to propose the best location for the validation of the solutions at TRL5 or 6 in a relevant environment (real-life or close to real-life), taking into account that at least two different countries, with diverse climatic conditions, must be covered. Independent external experts will assess, among others, the extent to which the proposed work is ambitious and goes beyond the state of the art and also the soundness of the proposed methodology, which includes the validation of the solutions in a relevant environment. The topic text does not refer to a specific reference source of climatic conditions, so applicants must justify their choice and may, for example, quote official sources about climate zones to support their argument.

HORIZON-CL5-2024-D4-02-02: Robotics and other automated solutions for construction, renovation and maintenance in a sustainable built environment (Built4People Partnership)

Question How should solutions be distributed within the (at least) 3 prototypes? (“reference to the sentence Test and validate the prototyped solutions in at least three prototypes….”)

  • ReplyThere is no strict and specific requirement on how many solutions need to be tested in each prototype. Therefore, the applicants have the flexibility to approach this in a way that best suits the project objectives, and they are free to select which and how many solutions will be tested in each prototype. Robustness and relevance of this approach will be assessed as part of the evaluation of the proposal.

For example, they could:

  • Test all solutions in one demo site,
  • Test some solutions in the second prototype,
  • Test only one solution in the third prototype.

The applicants are thus encouraged to select the approach that best fits the specific needs and contexts of the proposed solutions and prototypes.

QuestionMay funded activities under this topic include the construction / renovation of tunnels (for instance train tunnels)?

  • Reply: In line with the topic scope ‘the development of robotic and automated solutions to support sustainable building construction, renovation and maintenance processes’, the focus is only on buildings. Tunnels for transport are therefore out of scope.

HORIZON-CL5-2024-D3-02-03 “Development of smart concepts of integrated energy-driven bio-refineries for co-production of advanced biofuels, bio-chemicals and biomaterials

Question The reference on synergies with topic HORIZON-CL6-2023-ZEROPOLLUTION is outdated. What is the right topic identifier?

  • Reply: The topic HORIZON-CL6-2024-ZEROPOLLUTION-02-2:Innovative technologies for zero pollution, zero-waste biorefineries is the one that should be referred to. Overall, the expectation is that once related projects are funded under the Cluster 6 topic, they could generally cooperate with projects from the Cluster 5 topic.

HORIZON-CL5-2024-D3-02-08 Minimisation of environmental, and optimisation of socio-economic impacts in the deployment, operation and decommissioning of offshore wind farms

Question Under the scope part in the topic text it lists that: ’An assessment framework for installations is needed with nature inclusive design options valuing ‘created habitats’ vs ‘natural habitats’, however this created habitats’ vs ‘natural habitats is not explicitly mentioned again in either action 1 or 2. This is also the case with the use of the term ‘cumulative’ that appears in the scope text but not in the specific actions. Is it correct to interpret that anything listed in the scope part of the text before the actions is because these aspects are supposed to be covered regardless of what specific action is chosen by the project?

  • ReplyThe introductory paragraph of the “scope” provides general information on the objectives of the topic, that are then specified in more details in the following part for the actions 1 and 2 separately. The relevance of the generic part of the scope may differ for the different actions.

QuestionWhat is the definition of “biomaterials”?

  • Reply: The topic addresses biomass conversion in biorefineries, thus biomaterials include bio-polymers, bio-plastics, bio-composites, and other materials derived from renewable biological sources intended for broader industrial applications.

HORIZON-CL5-2024-D3-02-08 Minimisation of environmental, and optimisation of socio-economic impacts in the deployment, operation and decommissioning of offshore wind farms

Question Under the scope part in the topic text it lists that: ’An assessment framework for installations is needed with nature inclusive design options valuing ‘created habitats’ vs ‘natural habitats’, however this created habitats’ vs ‘natural habitats is not explicitly mentioned again in either action 1 or 2. This is also the case with the use of the term ‘cumulative’ that appears in the scope text but not in the specific actions. Is it correct to interpret that anything listed in the scope part of the text before the actions is because these aspects are supposed to be covered regardless of what specific action is chosen by the project?

ReplyThe introductory paragraph of the “scope” provides general information on the objectives of the topic, that are then specified in more details in the following part for the actions 1 and 2 separately. The relevance of the generic part of the scope may differ for the different actions.

HORIZON-CL5-2024-D3-02-06: Innovative, Community-Integrated PV systems

Question 1What does the sentence “International cooperation with the Mediterranean Region is encouraged” mean?


International cooperation implies the inclusion of non-EU (and non-associated) countries in the consortium. Nevertheless, the fact that that international cooperation is simply ‘encouraged’ implies that: 

  • This is not an eligibility criterion: the consortium can chose whether or not to include entities from non-associated third countries.
  • This does not imply exceptional funding for third-country participation.
  • This does not imply additional evaluation criteria: the standard evaluation criteria of the work programme applies.

In particular: Turkiye is associated to Horizon Europe and thus can participate in projects as a beneficiary, in the same way as Member States. Thus, Turkey does not fulfil the definition of ‘international cooperation’ as sated above. 

HORIZON-CL5-2024-D3-02-06: Innovative, Community-Integrated PV systems

Question 1What is the meaning of “decentralised platforms” in the context of the sentence “Engage actively citizens and communities in the clean energy transition in particular through the uptake of energy cooperatives and the development of decentralised platforms”?

  • Reply: It refers to the use of blockchain technologies to power P2P and other local trading solutions.

Question 2Are proposals expected to address ONLY “urban environments” for their pilots? Or is it possible to include  other non-urban environments, such as rural areas or pilots in islands?

  • Reply: The idea of “urban” might come from the sentence : “Planning, plant optimisation tools, advanced installation criteria, construction issues to increase yield and thus economic performance of PV systems in the built environment”. The topic does not mention urban environment so apart from the sentence which refers to the built environment there is no other restriction on the demonstration.

11.12.2024 |  Teknoloji Transfer Ofisi Müdürlüğü

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